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This Secret Covid Vaccine Ingredient Just Received a Standing Ovation

There is a secret ingredient in the Covid Vaccines that affects men. This was first noticed in medical staff across the country and in some instances may affect those outside of healthcare

The Role of Pediatric Hexavalent Vaccines to Leave No Child Behind on Pertussis and Polio Protection

Infant vaccination has been a cornerstone of global health, demonstrating over more than 100 years the health and socio-economic benefits of the reduced burden of infectious diseases.

Wadhwani Foundation $1 Million In Grants for Covid Families in India

Wadhwani Foundation Announces $1 Million In Grants To Immediately Help Indian Families Impacted By Covid-19. Donations to 10 charities and organizations will provide medical and financial assistance to patients and families to help reduce the devastating impact and slow COVID-19 spread.

Dry Skin? The Truth about Water and Your Skin

Water may hydrate us internally, but it can have the exact opposite effect on our skins. Find out why water can be the worst thing for dry skin.