



Will I lose more weight through diet or exercise?

The United States continues to face a growing obesity epidemic. The number of people living with excess weight has tripled since 1975, standing at 39% of the American population. Carrying extra pounds is linked with lifelong illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Rethinking Cancer: We Think Too Narrowly

Did you know that type 2 diabetes and breast cancer are connected? In the United States, approximately one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer; only skin cancer is more common.

Wildfire Smoke Linked to Dementia, Brain Damage and Body Health, So Beware

Both short-term and long-term exposure to wildfire smoke and other pollutants like ozone and diesel emissions can cause inflammation in the brain.

Three Heart Benefits of Dark Chocolate

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”― Charles M. Schulz - Dr. Michael Hunter explores the benefits of dark chocolate.