For Doctors




How to Consult Dr. Google

“OMG, am I dying?”“I read that this vaccine is dangerous”.“I want to try this new supplement, does it work?”“Is this normal, or. . .” Have...

Unlocking the Full Potential of Organ Transplants

By embracing innovative solutions, such as leveraging new technology to improve organ offer processes, expanding the criteria for suitable organs, and enhancing allocation methods, we strive to unlock the full potential of organ transplantation.

Too Old to Live? The Scourge of Ageism in Medicine Cannot Be Denied

Insidious, calculated disregard for our older patients is not acceptable, and it should be called out for what it is — ageism in all its ugliness.

The Phobia That Turns Sleep Into Terror Time

Sleep is vital for our physical and mental health, yet a rare phobia makes going to sleep a time filled with fear.