For Doctors




Psychiatry’s “Bible” Panel Comes Under Fire for Funding and Gifts

Pharmaceutical companies frequently pay doctors, and research indicates that these payments have an impact on doctors’ prescription practices. Expressly, doctors may prescribe more expensive name-brand medications...

Held for Ransom. A New Pandemic is Sweeping American Healthcare

Your personal information and most private details are being sold on the dark web. Ransomware attacks on healthcare are frequent. 1 in 3

New Survey Reveals 6 in 10 Parents in Favor of Covid Vaccine for Their Child

Find out how American parents feel about having their children vaccinated against Covid. Opinions are influenced by political, racial and ethnic differences.

Stop Calling Us “Heroes”

I ultimately believe that labeling ourselves “heroes” does more damage than good. I’ve read pieces from healthcare colleagues across the nation who argue that the “hero label” can be used as a subtle form of (often unintentional) gaslighting.