For Doctors




More Than Just Matzah Balls: Finding Meaning in the Modern Shabbat

I’m not Jewish, but I take some lessons from the Torah to remind me to unplug, reflect, and renew.

Memories of Life-Threatening Struggle Inspire Life-Saving Action

This is the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Sultan Yaacoub. It is also the 40th anniversary of my commitment to advocate for people in urgent need of healing.

One Pill and Done for Covid is a Serious Concern

The Covid-19 pandemic has already killed over 800K Americans and countless, perhaps, millions worldwide. It has disrupted people’s lives in every conceivable way from the economy,...

Exercise Shrinks Cancer

EXERCISE SHRINKS CANCER. WHAT? IF I EXERCISE, I am less likely to get cancer. While that is generally true, today’s discussion is around this finding: British researchers...