A Doctors Life




A Doctor Questions His Future as Recertification Looms

A Doctor preparing to sit his third certification exam questions his future. Is it time to hang up his stethoscope or is there still a future for him in medicine

Is A Nasal Vaccine In Your Future?

RECENT STUDIES SHOW THAT A NASAL SPRAY is more effective in protecting mice against influenza than vaccines injected into the muscle. This is the finding...

Medika’s #vaccinechallenge: Add your photos here

Doctors and nurses contribute to Medika's #vaccinechallenge. Enter the #vaccinechallenge and help restore faith in vaccines

This Secret Covid Vaccine Ingredient Just Received a Standing Ovation

There is a secret ingredient in the Covid Vaccines that affects men. This was first noticed in medical staff across the country and in some instances may affect those outside of healthcare