Healthcare Policy and Opinion




Understanding the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines: Insights from a Major International Study

Studies confirm that the known risks of COVID-19 vaccines are very rare and that the benefits outweigh the potential risks.

Silicon Valley Loses Its Shine: The Rise Of Pharma As The New Vanguard Of Innovation

As Silicon Valley's long-held position at the forefront of innovation and technology begins to wane, the pharmaceutical industry finds itself with an unprecedented opportunity to step up and become not just a leader but THE leader in these domains.

Medicine and Hope Are Allies in Care

For centuries, scientists have pursued treatments and cures for pressing and frightening illnesses. Throughout that time, we have called upon shamans and mystics, spiritual...

How Geert Vanden Bossche is Destroying American Herd Immunity

Geert Vanden Bossche presents a real and present danger to America's covid vaccination program. Data shows the growing reach and influence he enjoys in the US and Canada