Healthcare Policy and Opinion




In Defense Of The Noncompete Clause In Healthcare

In early January 2023, the Federal Trade Commission proposed a new rule banning noncompete clauses in employment contracts. According to the FTC, noncompete clauses “constitute an...

Up to 35 Million People May Already Have Had Adverse Vaccine Reactions

Adverse reactions or side effects to the Covid vaccine have left millions affected with no clear path to medical assistance. Who accepts the responsibility?

Jeff Livingston, MD, on the Digital Healthcare Equation

Read more about Jeff Livingston's experiences with digital health and technology in his day to day practice. Part of the Digital Healthcare Equation Series

Memory-Mind-Muscles, the Stunning Formula For Your Brain’s Functioning

Too often, exercise is chalked off as keeping our bodies in good shape, but there is another connection about which few know, and that's our minds.