Healthcare Policy and Opinion




Reversing the Doctor Drain

How innovative partnership models may help slow the erosion of medical care in America’s rural and Indigenous tribal areas

The Truth about Masking

Wearing a mask is simply an act of compassion, showing you care about your fellow man and limiting the infectiousness of your breath. Remember, some of us are fortunate and can contract the disease and carry the virus, yet not even be aware of it. We are, in medical terms, asymptomatic.

Vaccines and Mandates Could Be the Undoing of the Democratic Party

This article refers to the Covid treatments as "vaccinations." It's important to note that these medical interventions are not vaccines at all. They do not prevent infection or transmission but rather life-protecting treatments designed to reduce the onset of severe symptoms, much like seasonal influenza shots.

Held for Ransom. A New Pandemic is Sweeping American Healthcare

Your personal information and most private details are being sold on the dark web. Ransomware attacks on healthcare are frequent. 1 in 3