Healthcare Policy and Opinion




Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa on the Digital Healthcare Equation

Read more about Hesham A Hassaballa's experiences with digital health and technology in his day-to-day practice. Part of the Digital Healthcare Equation Series

The Elderly, the Disabled, and Others Are Prisoners of Brutal, Inadequate Walkers

Walkers are a staple of life and independence until it is time to use them to get off sidewalks or go up and down stairs. Here they fail miserably.

Benchmark KFF Survey: Annual Family Premiums for Employer Coverage Rise 7% to Nearly $24,000 in 2023

Amid Changing Abortion Laws, 1-in-10 Large Firms Say Their Largest Plan Doesn’t Cover Legally Provided Abortions Under Any Circumstances

MITRE-Harris Poll Survey Finds Half of Patients in the US Feel Ignored or Doubted When Seeking Medical Treatment

A new survey finds 52 percent of individuals feel their symptoms are “ignored, dismissed, or not believed” when seeking medical treatment. That number rises to 6-in-10 within the Hispanic community.