



Health Care Paradox: Medicare Penalizes Dozens of Hospitals It Also Gives Five Stars

threshold, so it’s not unusual to move in and out of the program year to year,” UC Davis Health said in an email....

The MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD Study. What You’ll Get Wrong

Readers, including even experts, are falling for a hard sell job by venture capitalists who launder their funding of the study through a nonprofit foundation and seek not legalization

Monkeypox: What You Need to Know

Monkeypox is a virus endemic in parts of West and Central Africa. The condition is a less virulent form of smallpox.

Deep Roots Help This Chicago Pharmacist Avoid Creating Another Drugstore Desert

CHICAGO — Del-Kar Pharmacy in the North Lawndale neighborhood has had a front-row seat to history. Martin Luther King Jr. bought his daily newspaper...