



In Defense Of The Noncompete Clause In Healthcare

In early January 2023, the Federal Trade Commission proposed a new rule banning noncompete clauses in employment contracts. According to the FTC, noncompete clauses “constitute an...

Dear “Digital Health Leaders And Healthcare Leaders,” You May Be Inadvertently Hurting Patients

Your end-users are ultimately patients, no matter who uses your product. A healthcare professional makes a direct request to the digital health sector

Two Titans Tap Cognitive Powers to Unleash Humanity’s Great Potential

AI, ChatGPT, GenAI and LLMs Must Become Part of the Physician’s Black Bag

The Complete A to Z of Long Haul Covid Symptoms. What you Need to Know

A complete list of symptoms for Long Haul Covid or Chronic Covid Syndrome. Educate yourself about the symptoms and seek help from qualified healthcare professionals