Therapies and Therapists




Does Botox Drop Anxiety?

WITH DISEASE SPREAD AND DEATHS, large outbreaks of Covid-19 infection are associated with fear and grief. I don't know about you, but the limits on...

Music Therapy and Dementia — Surprising Findings

MUSIC THERAPY MAY IMPROVE SOCIAL INTERACTIONS between people with dementia and their caregivers.

Beware the Strike of an “Evil” Therapist

If someone, with a predilection toward skirting the rules of ethics related to psychotherapy, were to be in a position of power, what would they do? Could they harm us in some way?

Christmas in a Psychiatric Hospital

The end of the year is now in sight and several holidays are nearing. Thoughts turn to presents, celebrations, and reunions with family and friends. What happens when the holidays are celebrated in a psychiatric hospital?