Babies & Children




Covid-19 Moms Are at Higher Risk for ICU Admission and Complications

Women are at a higher risk of severe complications if they acquire Covid-19 during pregnancy compared with non-pregnant women.

10 Top Tips to Drop Your Breast Cancer Risk

BREAST CANCER MORTALITY IS DROPPING, but are you doing all you can to reduce your risk of getting (and dying) from the disease?

Why Improving Women’s Health Around the World is Urgent

Women often provide for their families, communities, and the people around them. If women are healthier, it impacts everyone around them and eventually leads to healthier newborns, children, families, households, and communities. Leaders who prioritize women’s health can overcome gender inequality and improve the overall population’s health.

FDA Approves Covid-19 Pfizer Vaccine for Kids Age 12–15

The FDA expanded the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer messenger RNA Covid-19 vaccine for kids age 12–15 years old.