Womens Health




Lung Cancer: It’s Not Just Cigarettes.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer worldwide in men and the second leading cause in women. Five pro tips on how you can reduce your risk of lung cancer.

Weight Management During Fertility Treatment: A Challenge But Not a Lost Cause

Since hormones affect weight, hormonal therapy to enhance ovulation (whether pills or the multiple shots that the in vitro fertilization process entails) often leads to weight gain.

Better Care is Needed for Postpartum Depression

One in seven women suffers from postpartum depression. I had been treating it throughout my career. I caught the easy cases. I helped them, and they got better.

10 Tips for Pumping and Working

Your success and value as a human and your ability to be the very best you can be for your baby is NOT tied to your ability to adequately lactate