Public Health




Women Suffer Because of Medical Misinformation About Debilitating Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain isn't something like a stomach ache, and it isn't caused by mental conflict about being female, but too often, it is seen as either, and the monthly pain persists.

A Life-Saving Proposal: Offer Narcan Nasal Spray For Free

The pharmaceutical industry must move beyond a business and manufacture to become a beacon of action for the countless lives lost and impacted by the social blight of addiction.

Step Aside, Coffee — The Health Benefits of Tea

WHILE TEA APPEARS TO HAVE HEALTH BENEFITS, most research investigations have been done in regions where green tea is the predominant type.

Ruling Against the Disabled and Denying Social Security Benefits to Them

Wracked with chronic pain and unable to stand or sit for any length of time should result in disability benefits, but it doesn’t work that way.