Public Health




7 Tips to Lower Your Prostate Cancer Risk — Using Lifestyle and Screening

PROSTATE CANCER RISK IS RISING IN THE USA, despite cancer mortality declining by one-third since 1991.

Asleep and Stuffing Food Into Your Mouth with No Memory of It

Weight loss is a struggle during the best of times, but there's a sleep disorder that works feverishly against your dieting.

Rare – Always Present and Never Forgotten

The experience of attending Rare Disease Day at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) exceeded the confines of the definition for rare and instead should be more appropriately defined as extraordinary shares a new Medika author.

$35 Insulin Cap Is Welcome, Popular, and Bipartisan. But Congress May Not Pass It Anyway.

Democrats in the Senate are primed this month to make their first attempt at salvaging one of the most popular elements of President Joe...