For Practitioners




Psychiatry Is Turning to Nutrition in a New Appreciation of Food as “Medicine”

What was once “old” is now “new” again, and that includes food-related remedies for illness, both physical and mental.

Aiding and Abetting a Virus

Viruses are the ultimate freeloaders. The best among them — influenza, smallpox and SARS-CoV-2 — spread easily among human hosts while delivering high mortality...

Drugs are Rapidly Becoming Healthcare’s Greatest Burden

Drugs have become our fallback for almost everything. Practitioners in general are massively guilty of doling them out as a panacea for socially compromised adults. Adults that possess no life skills or coping mechanisms are simply drugged into oblivion.

Traumatized Kids Are Imperiled Adults in Mental Health Needs

Early childhood is a time of learning, but some of the learning may have negative consequences later in life in terms of mental health.