Anxiety and Depression




How Dare You Criticize Psychiatrists Who Praise Studies of Psychedelics As Antidepressants?

All claims about treatments affecting human health and well-being should be subject to robust review. That review requires someone to facilitate criticism, locate qualified critics, and bring them into the discussion.

War Tears Children Apart in Invisible, Prolonged Ways Into Their Futures

There can be no escaping the mental terror, anguish, and helplessness of children in war-torn countries during the 21st century, but what does it bode for their futures?

Dogs Can Smell Your Stress, But How Do They React to It?

Science has unlocked many secrets of animal sensitivity, one of which is understanding a dog's ability to smell diseases.

Preserve Your Mind With a Positive Belief System and Reduced Stress

Aging doesn’t have to mean a steady decline in your brain power if you do one simple thing, and that involves your outlook on life.