Anxiety and Depression




Overcoming Self-Blame and Self-Shame

This week, I’m doing something a little different. Instead of my usual blog post, I’m going to share with you an excerpt of a...

Punish the Lazy Obese, Shower Shame on Them, and Refuse Disability Benefits to Them?

Obesity is an evolving medical disorder that still includes shame and the refusal of disability benefits without serious medical side effects.

No Tsunami of Mental Illness Accompanies Covid-19

Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were likely to be experiencing some anxiety (worried) or depressive symptoms (sad, pessimistic) that were not serious enough to justify a diagnosis of major depression or a serious anxiety disorder.

Your Jewish Friends Are Not Alright

My Facebook page is a constant scroll of heartbreak.  Post after post of people I know and don’t share heart-crushing words about loved ones...