Mens Health




Even Light Exercise May Drop Dementia Risk

LET’S CUT TO THE CHASE — a new study demonstrates an association between light-intensity physical activity in older adults and a lower risk of dementia. While the...

Suicide by Cop Results in Shared Pain and Mental Illness

Police officers have three things they may share with those who wish to end their misery; high rates of suicide, substance abuse disorders, and marital difficulties. Mental health disorders do not disappear once a uniform is donned.

6 Ways to Treat Erection Problems

We might think of erection problems as something only older men experience. Being able to get or keep an erection can affect men at any age. Treat your

The Strange Story of Heart and Erectile Dysfunction Medicines

NOBEL PRIZE WINNER FERID MURAD recently died at age 86. He showed that nitric oxide — an air pollutant — is central to blood vessel...