Mens Health




When a Male Obgyn Gets a Mammogram

Men get breast cancer too. Mammograms are important tools to evaluate a breast mass for women and men. Mammograms allow the early detection of cancer and save lives.

Dairy Fats Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack, New Study Finds

Increased levels of dairy fat have been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and death, according to new research from Sweden

Syphilis. What you Need to Know About This Sexually Transmitted Infection

Sexually transmitted cases of syphilis are on the rise worldwide. Here are the basics about syphilis all sexually active people need to know to stay safe and reduce the risk of infection.

Running and Blisters: Coping

If you have formed a small pocket of fluid on some part of your body, you may have had a blister. These bubbles vary in size and have many causes.