Babies & Children




Uninsured Children; Time for Us to Help Kids Get Access to High-Quality Healthcare

Many US children qualify for high-quality healthcare through the Medicaid and CHIP programs. Here, we show families how to apply to these programs.

A Vignette of Life as a Pediatric Cancer Mom

A hugely moving insight into the life of a parent of a pediatric cancer victim. We always feel deeply for young patients, but the parents bear their own kind of trauma.

High Antibody Covid-19 Vaccine Response During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

A large study showed pregnant people have a robust antibody immune response after Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy and lactation.

Study Reveals Networks of Genes Involved in Congenital Heart Disease

Over two million babies, children, and adults in the United States are living with congenital heart disease—a range of birth defects affecting the heart's structure or function