



Healthcare Workers Show Their Faith in the Covid Vaccine #vaccinechallenge

Join our #vaccinechallenge. We're Inviting doctors to send us links to their vaccination video and we''ll make you famous. Show your patients and let's help build trust in the Covid vaccine.

Anxiety Disorders, Recognizing the Symptoms

People with anxiety disorders respond to certain objects or situations with fear and dread. They have physical reactions to those objects, such as a rapid heartbeat and sweating.

Predictions For Biden’s Covid Origin China Probe

Biden has given the US intelligence community 90 days to come up with answers about Covid Origin and the Wuhan Laboratory. China is unlikely to co-operate

Galactorrhea or Milky Nipple Discharge in Women

Galactorrhea is a discharge of milk or a milk-like secretion from the breast in women who aren't breast feeding or in women six months post-partum.