Health News and Views




The Medika Life Top 30 Voices Transforming Wellness for 2022/23

All selected for the 2022/23 Wellness Influencers Healing the World Top 30 roster have demonstrated commitment to improving people's well-being and advancing the global wellness movement. This list recognizes and celebrates their achievements and encourages their journey! They all originate and share bold ideas, engaging the diverse wellness sphere in productive - sometimes controversial - conversation.

Understanding Mask Terminology, N95/KN95/N99, and What to Buy

Learn about which masks offer the most protection against Covid-19 and what the terms mean as far as the masks efficacy is concerned. Which mask should you buy.

Blocking Airflow During a Pandemic Helps the Covid Virus Spread. Open Your Windows

We need to open our windows to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 in our buildings and classrooms. Fresh air helps remove viral particles from our environment.

Debunking Nicholas Wade’s Origin of COVID Conspiracy Theory

Nicholas Wade debunked by real virologists. His Origin of Covid theory is flawed. He misinterprets and misrepresents science and scientists. Wade is exposed