Health News and Views




5 Key Pitfalls That Compromise or Sink Digital Health Startups

Five common digital health pitfalls that can trip up any new solution for healthcare, A Health Startup is challenged by healthcare's complex ecosystems and

Common Methods of Inducing Labor During Pregnancy

Advice on inducing labor during pregnancy. Labor induction methods do not work for everyone, and here’s why.

The Evolution of Quinine to Hydroxychloroquine, Covid’s Snake Oil

The evolution of Hydroxychloroquine. From malarial treatment to snake oil for curing Covid. America's love affair with quackery and snake oil explored

Suicidology Is Corrupted by Researchers Who Say Things That Aren’t in Their Data

Journals are a big part of the problem of misrepresented or misinterpreted data. They seduce researchers with temptations that they cannot resist