Health News and Views




6 Ways to Treat Erection Problems

We might think of erection problems as something only older men experience. Being able to get or keep an erection can affect men at any age. Treat your

These Vaccinated Groups are Still at Risk of Severe Covid, UK Study Finds

Post Covid-19 vaccination, some patient groups are still at risk of developing severe Covid, according to findings from a new UK study.

The Ethics of A.I. in Healthcare Must Be Urgently Addressed

A.I. is critical to the growth of healthcare in the coming decade. It needs to be managed correctly and urgent ethical guidelines regulating its use need to be implimented.

Cancer — 13 Different Types Are Related to Being Overweight or Obese

Much less known, but every bit as real and life-threatening is the connection between obesity and malignancy, the general medical term for cancer.