Patient Zone




mRNA Technology, Human DNA and The Traffic Flow of Genetic Material

Can RNA from a SARS-Cov2 infection find its way into our DNA. A recent preprint suggests reasons why genetic viral material is showing up in PCR tests

Five Potential Sources of Food Poisoning This Summer. Foods to be Wary of in the Heat

Food Poisoning affects one in six Americans every year. Discover which foods may be culprits in the summer heat and how to avoid food

Vaccinate or Pay up. Healthcare and Life Insurers are About to Solve Vaccine Hesitancy

American Healthcare and Life Cover Insurers will soon insist on Covid Vaccination. Remain unvaccinated and your premiums will rise.

You Don’t Need to be an Idiot to be a CovIdiot

The term CovIdiot is misleading as it suggests anti-vax and anti-pandemic people are idiots. Nothing could be further from the truth and this perception prevents us reaching this demographic.