Environmental Impact




Pollution Robs Older Adults of Their Independence and Their Health

Environmental concerns play a major role in the lives of our older adults, and pollution can shorten lifespans, decrease independence, and affect overall health.

Eating Plastic in Every Bite We Take and Never Knowing the Effect on Our Health

Microplastic has so infused our ecosystem and our bodies that it can be found in the deepest oceans as well as our organs and even our blood. Our internal environment is compromised and so is our heal

How ESG is Changing the Pharmaceutical Industry

Some view the COVID-19 pandemic as a reputational turning point for pharma and an opportunity to solidify a more positive impact on society. Many pharmaceutical companies are furthering this goal by incorporating ESG into their operations.

Millions of Rural Americans Rely on Private Wells. Few Regularly Test Their Water

More than 43 million Americans rely on private wells, which are subject to a patchwork of state and local regulations, including standards for new construction. But in most cases, residents are free to use outdated wells without having them tested or inspected.