



Long COVID-19: What Doctors Want You to Know

Approximately 15 percent of those with a COVID-19 infection will develop long COVID. Long COVID is prevalent and more common among females and older individuals.

The Best Diet Move I’ve Made

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR: THE “DIRTY DOZEN” fruits and vegetables proclamation. Let’s look at this annual (and controversial) ranking of non-organic fruits and vegetables...

Rethinking Cancer: We Think Too Narrowly

Did you know that type 2 diabetes and breast cancer are connected? In the United States, approximately one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer; only skin cancer is more common.

Exponential Innovation: Disrupting The Disruptor

Today's world of disruptive change is defined by two terms: innovation and speed.  The big idea is important, but equally so is the path that innovation...