



Will I lose more weight through diet or exercise?

The United States continues to face a growing obesity epidemic. The number of people living with excess weight has tripled since 1975, standing at 39% of the American population. Carrying extra pounds is linked with lifelong illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Is Junk Food Biz Fighting Back Against Weight Loss Drugs or Accepting Them?

Obesity is a worldwide severe disorder that can shorten life and bring on a variety of related illnesses, and how to deal with it is now big business.

BQ.1 — The New COVID-19 Variant Doctors Want You to Know About

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE COVID-19 VARIANT BQ.1? This new virus on the block (or one of its variants) now comprises more than one in 10 cases of COVID-19 in the United States.

Juicy Dilemma: Unveiling the Hidden Weight Impact of 100% Fruit Juices

Juice has essential vitamins, antioxidants, and polyphenols, which are good for a healthy diet. However, there’s a worry that the juice’s high sugar and energy content might lead to weight gain.