Trending Issues




Hydroxychloroquine Does Not Prevent Infection with SARS CoV-2

A study released today should — once and for all — finally shut the coffin closed on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19

Proving Vaccine Safety Without Relying on Science

It's the hottest debate of the year. How safe is the Covid Vaccine? Should you get it? What are the risks? What's the point if you can still catch the coronavirus? Why bother if you still need to wear a mask? Will it make you sterile?

The Diversion of Drugs Within Healthcare Needs to be Addressed

The Protenus Drug Diversion Digest found that over half of diversion incidents took place in a hospital, medical center, or physician practice setting

Reiner Fuellmich Fact Checked and Exposed as a Covid Conspiracy Con

Reiner Fuellmich is attempting the same thing he accuses the world of, massive deception, His Covid misinformation and con are intentional and