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Vaccine Passports. Where Does Your State Stand? A List of all 50 States

Vaccine passports have proved hugely divisive. Most states are moving to, or have already outlawed them, while some choose to limit their use.

Hyper-Transmissible SARS-CoV-2 Variant Detected in U.S. Wastewater

The SARS-CoV-2 B1.1.7 (UK Variant) test is available immediately both as a fee-for-service and as a complete, ready-to-use PCR kit for testing labs.

Tech Marches On, While Humanity Drags Its Feet

I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my predictions for health tech from almost a decade ago in Forbes....

Unvaccinated Hospital Staff Sues Houston Methodist Over Covid-19 Vaccinations

Employees of Houston Methodist Hospital file a lawsuit over required Covid-19 vaccination saying the vaccine mandate violates the Nurenberg Code.