Policy and Practice




When It Comes to Medicine – The Smartest Person in the Room Is the Patient!

Move over chatbots! It’s time to recognize that the smartest person in the room may not be the robot, rather patient experience creating a new type of dialogue through conversational AI. Conversational AI is a cutting-edge form of artificial intelligence enabling consumers to interact with computer applications the way they would with other humans.

Health Care Paradox: Medicare Penalizes Dozens of Hospitals It Also Gives Five Stars

threshold, so it’s not unusual to move in and out of the program year to year,” UC Davis Health said in an email....

Looking for ROI? Employee Wellness Creates a Sustainable Business Model

This nation spends way too much on healthcare; $3.7 trillion annually. America may be the land of the free, but it is also becoming the home of the chronically ill.

Patient/Therapist Confidentiality Has Its Limits. What Are They?

Once someone enters psychotherapy, they expect that whatever they say during a session will be protected by confidentiality, but this is not always the case.