Policy and Practice




Dying Because of Medical Disbelief Shouldn’t Happen in the 21st Century

People often ridicule, debunk, and dismiss an all-too-common syndrome, resulting in deaths due to ignorance.

How Do We Define Success In Healthcare?

Patient satisfaction has a substantial impact on both current and future performance. How a patient perceives their care can dictate the success of interventions,

Patient Satisfaction Surveys Earn a Zero on Tracking Whether Hospitals Deliver Culturally Competent Care

The CAHPS survey is required by the federal government for many health care facilities, and the hospital version of it is required for most acute care hospitals. Low scores can induce financial penalties, and hospitals reap financial rewards for improving scores or exceeding those of their peers.

Alzheimer’s New Gene Discovery May Prove Decisive in Early Diagnosis or Not. What CAN You Do?

Based on studies of twins, AD is thought to be passed down 70% of the time.