Policy and Practice




Millions of Rural Americans Rely on Private Wells. Few Regularly Test Their Water

More than 43 million Americans rely on private wells, which are subject to a patchwork of state and local regulations, including standards for new construction. But in most cases, residents are free to use outdated wells without having them tested or inspected.

Missouri Debates Birth Control Ban Without Knowing How Contraception Works

Missouri senators are holding up Medicaid funding trying to block birth control access without understanding these contraceptive methods do not cause abortions.

Was Neil Young Right? Fighting COVID-19 Misinformation Two Years In

Want to watch this article? Tune in here. I am sick and tired of the pandemic. Many others share the sentiment based on several high-profile recent...

Mass Murder Fired Up by Personal Loss or Something Else?

Mass shootings and murders in the US have led to research, new groups, and media outcries, but people are still being killed, and we still ask, "Why?"