Policy and Practice




Medical Bias and the “Stupid, Old Patient Syndrome” That Infects Healthcare Workers

Healthcare discrimination can be seen in “one out of five adults over the age of 50 years (who) experience bias in healthcare settings.

Unvaccinated Hospital Staff Sues Houston Methodist Over Covid-19 Vaccinations

Employees of Houston Methodist Hospital file a lawsuit over required Covid-19 vaccination saying the vaccine mandate violates the Nurenberg Code.

Exercise Could Be the New Wonder “Drug” for Health and Longevity

Sedentary lifestyles may be the cause of many health issues and shorten our lives, and new research is pointing toward the "cure"—exercise.

A Physician Travels to South Asia Seeking Enduring Lessons From the Eradication of Smallpox

Smallpox was certified eradicated in 1980, but I first learned about the disease’s twisty, storied history in 1996 while interning at the World Health...