Industry News




Vaccines and Mandates Could Be the Undoing of the Democratic Party

This article refers to the Covid treatments as "vaccinations." It's important to note that these medical interventions are not vaccines at all. They do not prevent infection or transmission but rather life-protecting treatments designed to reduce the onset of severe symptoms, much like seasonal influenza shots.

Look Deep! Pressure and Risk in the Health Setting

The Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) released its top 10 patient safety concerns for 2023, including alarming issues such as violence against healthcare staff,...

Mixing Covid Vaccines May Not Be a Great Idea, Research Shows

Research from, Oxford's Com-Cov study highlights how mixing vaccine brands during follow-up covid vaccinations increases the risk of mild to moderate side effects.

The Simple Truth Ivermectin and HCQ Supporters Fail to Acknowledge

The simple truth about the efficacy of HCQ and Ivermectin in treating Covid. It doesn't work. Here are the facts they choose to ignore.