A Doctors Life




Medical Bias and the “Stupid, Old Patient Syndrome” That Infects Healthcare Workers

Healthcare discrimination can be seen in “one out of five adults over the age of 50 years (who) experience bias in healthcare settings.

Mind the gap: Why diagnostic disparities damage women’s health

Women’s health has long lagged behind men’s health in medical research, understanding, and innovation.

Record Numbers of Californians Die From COVID-19, Surgeon General Promotes Yoga and Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences

When evidence faces off against the power of celebrity status and charisma, the evidence is left lying face down in the street. That becomes particularly important to take into account during a pandemic in which people are dying from misinformation.

Proving Vaccine Safety Without Relying on Science

It's the hottest debate of the year. How safe is the Covid Vaccine? Should you get it? What are the risks? What's the point if you can still catch the coronavirus? Why bother if you still need to wear a mask? Will it make you sterile?