A Doctors Life




What is it About Covid That Makes it Worse

I am scared of catching SARS CoV-2. I am deathly scared of getting Covid and then bringing it home to my family.

The Double-Edged Sword of “Brutal Honesty”

"I don't mean to sound harsh. And I owe you honesty." I almost always say this when I speak to families about the...

Cutting-Edge Innovation Is Not Enough To Save Lives

Yesterday, my 97-year-old physician father-in-law died.  His longevity was the result of great medical advances during the past two decades, rigorous self-care, and vigilant...

A Doctor Questions His Future as Recertification Looms

A Doctor preparing to sit his third certification exam questions his future. Is it time to hang up his stethoscope or is there still a future for him in medicine