Healthcare Policy and Opinion




Reversing the Doctor Drain

How innovative partnership models may help slow the erosion of medical care in America’s rural and Indigenous tribal areas

The Future of Health Information and Innovation: A Conversation with HIMSS CEO Hal Wolf

At a time of great change, HIMSS continues to be a pivotal voice bridging technology, policy and patient care

Interactive Report Shows How Countries Prevent Global Epidemics by Stopping Infectious Diseases at the Start

Second Edition of ‘Epidemics That Didn’t Happen’ from Resolve to Save Lives Highlights Need for Continued Investment in Health Security

Real-World Repercussions of Mislabeling Treatments as Vaccines

Vaccinate, inoculate and immunize are three words that describe the "jab" people get to guard them against serious infectious illnesses. Harmonious - yes - but each offers a different consumer expectation.