



Unscrupulous Corporations Are Stealing Your DNA

They collect your DNA with every swab, and it’s sent to a laboratory for analysis. Then where does that sample go, and who has access to the data extracted? Not you.

Restoring Credibility. Can We Ever Trust Healthcare Again?

If you wanted the perfect illustration of how to "dig yourself a hole" Healthcare and the Covid pandemic provided it. In what history will record as a concerted and unprecedented effort, governments, scientists, doctors and the healthcare industry globally, indulged in a public campaign to combat the SARS-COV2, commencing in early 2020. This campaign still persists.

Colchicine Shows 48% Reduction in Future Cardio Issues for Heart Attack Victims

Early, in-hospital treatment with colchicine reduces the odds of future cardiovascular problems by 48% in people who have just survived a heart attack

Five Things to Consider When Being Admitted to Hospital

If you are in hospital, it can be hard to cope, let alone focus on key tasks needed to help your journey proceed as...