Influential and Emerging Voices




John Nosta of NOSTALAB

John Nosta is the one voice in digital Health you cannot choose to ignore, not if you're focused on engaging the industry in a meaningful way.

Dr. Zubin J Daruwalla of PwC Singapore

Dr. Zubin J Daruwalla of PwC Singapore is a leading influencer in health and the field of healthcare in South East Asia. His vast experience in the health sector, in particular, with digital health

Stacy Hurt is The Global Patient Advocate

Stacy Hurt is more than a patient advocate seeking to link patients to better care. She serves as an inspiration to cancer patients globally.

Women Transforming Healthcare: The Medika Life 2022 Top 30

Women Transforming Healthcare: The Medika Life Top 30 List. Engage with leading voices, amplify their reach and expand your network.