



Colchicine Shows 48% Reduction in Future Cardio Issues for Heart Attack Victims

Early, in-hospital treatment with colchicine reduces the odds of future cardiovascular problems by 48% in people who have just survived a heart attack

NAMI Poll: Parents Want Mental Health Education in Schools, Mental Health Days Off for Students

ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- An overwhelming number of parents support mental health education in schools and "mental health days" for their children, according...

HLTH2023 is Packed as 10,000 Attendees Fill the Halls – Special Attention on Israel

HLTH2023 is a big hit. But many of Israel’s 100 exhibitors head home urgently to support family and nation - while HLTH rallies to support this community.

The Medical Device That May Lead to Harm in People of Color

Testing medical equipment is aimed at ensuring that it applies to every patient, regardless of their race, but one piece missed the mark.