Womens Health




Sickle Cell Disease in women

Sickle cell disease is a group of red blood cell disorders that are passed down from your parents. This means that sickle cell a genetic disease, and

Another Step Forward to Addressing Women’s Cardio Health Inequalities

MINOCA, or myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries, a condition that accounts for 6 to 15 percent of heart attacks and is 3 times more common among women than men with heart attack

PPD’s and The Risk of Hair Dye during Pregnancy

The risks pregnant mothers expose both themselves and their unborn child to through the continued use of commercial hair dyes whilst pregnant.

Uqora Develops the First Non-Antibiotic Treatment Option for UTIs

The new drug program aims to decrease the amount of UTIs that would otherwise require antibiotic intervention.