Womens Health




Pap smears Aren’t Fun But Can Save Your Life by Preventing Cervical Cancer

Regular pap smears for cervical cancer prevention save lives by detecting HPV and precancerous cells called cervical dysplasia long before cancer develops.

Is Social Media to Be Trusted for Health Information?

The Internet is an incredible wealth of information, not all of it truly scientific or health-promoting, but it can prove a quick way to garner details on health matters.

Lupus and its effects on women

Lupus is a chronic (lifelong) autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body. With autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune (defense) system cannot tell the difference between viruses, bacteria, and other germs

Galactorrhea or Milky Nipple Discharge in Women

Galactorrhea is a discharge of milk or a milk-like secretion from the breast in women who aren't breast feeding or in women six months post-partum.