Womens Health




Telogen Effluvium, Hair Loss in Pregnancy and Postpartum

During the natural course of your life your hair falls out at a rate of around 100 hairs a day. This occurs over the space of the 24 hours and you'll notice these stray hairs in your bath tub

Preparing for: Permanent Birth Control or Bilateral Salpingectomy

A bilateral salpingectomy is an outpatient procedure to permanently prevent pregnancy and reduce the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer.

Menopause, Understanding the Basics

Menopause is when your period stops permanently. Menopause is a normal part of a woman’s life. It is sometimes called “the change of life.

Colostrum, Breastmilk’s Magical Ingredient and What it Contains

Colostrum is the magical ingredient in mothers breastmilk that provides a newborn with all sorts of protection and helps to boost immunity