Public Health




Questions About FDA Protection From Dangerous Beauty Products

Looking good and feeling healthy are two things most of us would agree we want, and we should act to ensure both, but are we safe from unmonitored products?

Does Artificial Intelligence (#AI) Chatbot Outperform Physicians in Patient Experience?

JAMA Article Draws Fire for Its Research Biases on ChatGPT and Chatbot - But Should We Ignore Its Conclusions Altogether?

Pandemic Stress, Gangs, and Utter Fear Fueled a Rise in Teen Shootings

The devastating toll of gun violence shows up in emergency rooms every day.

A Physician Travels to South Asia Seeking Enduring Lessons From the Eradication of Smallpox

Smallpox was certified eradicated in 1980, but I first learned about the disease’s twisty, storied history in 1996 while interning at the World Health...