



Are Air Fryers Healthy?

YOU HAVE HEARD THE CLAIMS: They are a healthy way to enjoy your favorite fried foods. You consume french fries, fish sticks, and chicken wings...

What You Need to Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

There may be a dose-related effect of omega-3 fatty acids on atrial fibrillation risk. In high doses there appeared to be an increase in risk for atrial fibrillation in the omega-3 groups (versus control) in both trials.

Heading Off Heartburn

GERD, reflux and GI disorders can be painful and worrisome. Dr. Michael Hunter offers some common sense wisdom to prevent discomfort.

More Time With a Primary Care Provider Means – Better Care, Lower Costs and Less Frustration – A Win, Win, Win

This is the 10th article in a series on America’s dysfunctional healthcare system.