



Dairy Fats Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack, New Study Finds

Increased levels of dairy fat have been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and death, according to new research from Sweden

Will I lose more weight through diet or exercise?

The United States continues to face a growing obesity epidemic. The number of people living with excess weight has tripled since 1975, standing at 39% of the American population. Carrying extra pounds is linked with lifelong illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

The Best Diet Move I’ve Made

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR: THE “DIRTY DOZEN” fruits and vegetables proclamation. Let’s look at this annual (and controversial) ranking of non-organic fruits and vegetables...

The Power of Lifestyle Choices – The Dose of Truth in “Heal Thyself”

“You need to lose weight.”   Doctors say that to patients every day.  What they don’t do is tell patients how to do it.  That’s...