



How Too Much Iron (or Too Little) Puts Your Health at Risk

IRON DEFICIENCY IS COMMON in humans. On the other hand, excessive iron (for example, with hemochromatosis) is associated with an increased risk of developing several cancers, including breast, colorectal, liver, and prostate.

Medicine’s Greatest Fallacy: The Doctors Will Fix Me Now

Your health is the most precious thing you possess and the thing you are most likely to take for granted.

Is Bone Loss a Male Problem, Too?

WITH OSTEOPOROSIS, THE BONES BECOME WEAK and brittle. Fall, and you may suffer a bone break. Even minimal activity such as bending over or coughing may...

Is Our Gut a Key to Whether We Get Dementia?

Alzheimer’s dementia is not a normal part of the aging process. Still, the most significant risk factor is increasing age, with most of those with Alzheimer’s disease 65 years and older.