Therapies and Therapists




Three Ways Virginia Satir Influenced Gestalt Psychotherapy

Call Virginia Satir a pioneer. Call her the “Mother of Family Therapy.” No matter the title, Virginia Satir influenced Gestalt's psychotherapy development in three ways

Before Looking at the Results of the Paper on MDMA to Treat PTSD…

So what really is the truth about MDMA and PTSD. Does this research published in Science hold up to scrutiny is is there a problem. Watch this space

Beware the Strike of an “Evil” Therapist

If someone, with a predilection toward skirting the rules of ethics related to psychotherapy, were to be in a position of power, what would they do? Could they harm us in some way?

Suicide by Cop Results in Shared Pain and Mental Illness

Police officers have three things they may share with those who wish to end their misery; high rates of suicide, substance abuse disorders, and marital difficulties. Mental health disorders do not disappear once a uniform is donned.